24 October 2012


I remember when Sunshine first brought our Mollie home. Being a rescue puppy, she was oh-so-thin. I'm sure that the shelter does the best they can with the resources they have, but she was really just a little bag of bones. She was so little, and because she was kept in a kennel, she wasn't so great at walking. She walks just fine now, and boy does she love to run.

The first night she was with us, we had made her a comfy place to sleep at the foot of the bed. She peed in the floor a few times that night, and cried so much that my heart broke a little bit. I got out of the bed, picked her up, grabbed the big, fluffy bathrobe, and she and I went to the couch. She snuggled up to me and slept, until something or other would wake her up and she would cry some more.

The second night she was with us, we all piled into the bed together and slept. She didn't cry that night. It has been that way each night since.

I also remember how she used to behave when she ate. She would get a bite of her food; and then she would move into the corner, hunch over it, and eat it. She would come out of the corner to get the next bite of food, and return to her hunched position in the corner to eat it.

Talk about breaking my heart into a million tiny pieces. That shit did.

I am proud to say that Mollie now either stands over her bowl as she eats, or grabs a few bits and brings them to the middle of the room to eat them. I think she does that so she can better see what is going on around her; much like a small child, she doesn't want to miss anything.

Now, the only time she gets all hunched up into a small little ball is when she is in a new environment, or when Sunshine takes down one of his guns for cleaning. Those are the moments when she wants her mummie. Well, those, and when it's cold at night.

I'm glad our little baby feels more secure with us. I hope she always does.

I promise y'all that she really truly fell asleep hugging her duckie. She actually does that quite often, falling asleep with her chin resting on, or with her little legs hugging, her toy.


  1. OMG...she is TOO cute. My dog growing up did the same thing with his food...brought it into the middle of the family room. Too funny.

    1. I'm pretty sure that my dog doesn't know she's a dog.

  2. I read this and my heart just broke for Mollie. But you are an angel, and now my heart smiles for her.

    1. I can only hope that she doesn't remember her days at the shelter. How frightening it must have been! She seems to think she's a person now, so I hope that meams she has forgotten her first few uncertain months of life. She's my little angel-baby, and I really do love her.

  3. There are times I wish I knew what our shelter babies went through before they came home to us and then there are times I'm glad I don't know because, well, I'm fairly certain I'd be in jail from the behavior one of our babies displays, it's obvious she was abused - ugh, breaks my heart!! But, she's with us now, and spoiled terribly!! Just as it should be.

    1. Mollie was so young when we got her, just a few months. Sunshine & I kind of believe she and her brother were abandoned; which is sad, but not as sad as what it sounds like your babies went through. Please hug those babies for me!
