
31 January 2013

It takes 7 minutes

to make a pot of coffee.

This is what Sunshine said to me this morning after I informed him that I would have to restart the coffeepot because I forgot to put the filter filled with coffee into the machine last night.

Seven minutes.

Which means that Sunshine actually had to wait 14 minutes for a cup of coffee this morning. If looks could kill, well, I wouldn't be sitting here telling you guys that it takes seven minutes to make a pot of coffee.

As if mornings weren't bullshit enough, we spend seven minutes of every morning waiting on the stuff of life to brew. Seven minutes.

Really, Sunshine? This is what you do in the mornings? Who the fuck is awake in the mornings to count how many minutes it takes to make the coffee? THE FUCKING RAINMAN, that's who.

Seven minutes.


  1. Ha ha ha ha ... some people need to need something desperately. Give him a big bear hug from me. = D

    1. I will, now that he has had some coffee and is safe to approach.

  2. You should ask Sunshine if ever played that party game, 7 minutes in heaven. Then the next time you mess up the coffee. . .

    I dunno. I don't drink coffee.

  3. I am less than pleasant in the morning. If he would have said it to me I'd have thrown the coffee pot at him. #NotAMorningPerson

    1. next time, I WILL throw the pot at him, with the hot water in it #notamorningperson either
