01 March 2012

So, what do I need to do more of?

I need to do more sleeping. The fucking dog kept me awake last night, wanting to go outside and survey her territory.

I need to do my clothing repairs. I have three pairs of pants that need to be re-hemmed, a sweater that needs a repair at the seam, and I'm quite sure there's more.

I need to eat more chocolate. (OK, so maybe NEED is the wrong word there, but whatever.)

I need to do more resource page work for the Band. Thank heaven they don't kick me out for being an underachiever.

I need to create my damned resume.

I need to quit trying to answer the Band's questions they throw out on twitter. I always discover shit that needs fixing when I do. The upside is that I always find shit that doesn't need fixing, too. Funny how that works.

I need to iron my clothes. It is pointless to iron my clothes until I have repaired my clothes. Funny how that works.

I need to go see if there are any new comments on my latest post to go live over at the Band. I need the love I always feel when I read them

Also, I need to get my ass up and go find my diet Dr. Pepper. I'm thirsty. See y'all over at the Band!


  1. It's so hard to do all the things we need to do more of, isn't it? There just isn't enough time in the day. You're doing a great job over at BB2G in my opinion. :)

    1. May heaven bless you (and all the rest of the slores at the Band) for the way you love me so unconditionally! Now, how do we create more hours in a day?

    2. Oh of course we love you! If I knew the answer to that, I'd be a rich woman! Hahaha!

    3. well, then, more sleep is in order. At least when I'm asleep, I'm not thinking about all the stuffz and things that I don't have time to do!

  2. All of you guys are awesome over at BB2G!!!

    1. you are awesome too, you know! thank you for the support you give me, it means so much that words feel painfully inadequate.I'm so grateful for you!
