03 November 2011

My most expensive pair of shoes. Also, my biggest steal.

Brand new, never worn, navy blue leather Ferragamo loafers. Found in consignment shop, priced at less than $30 and discounted an additional 75%. Who buys $400+ shoes, never wears them, and then gets rid of them?

I don't know. I don't particularly care, except to hope she gets rid of more shoes. Because this is how I "do" splurge vs. steal, or affordable fashion, or whatever you want to call it.

Hey, I'm a broke-ass college student. You didn't really think I could afford to "stomp around" and run errands/do chores in Ferragamos, did you? (Unless, of course, you are Gwyneth Paltrow, who seems to believe that $500 jeans and $600 blouses are affordable fashion for everyone. Thwap to you, Gwyneth. You need a dickslap.)


  1. Wow! I don't know much about designers, but I know he designed for Audrey and I always wanted to be like Audrey. Too bad I am so far from the gamine type.
    Total shoe score!

  2. Ho. Lee. COW! I *love* deals like this - I always feel like I got away with something (or something). heh

  3. I'm hoping it was some rich bored woman that gave them up and that they Sid not come from an estate sale. Rich bored women will get bored again and give up the fruits of their boredom.
